It’s Time To Become Mentally Tough!

A Proven step-by-step system for becoming Mentally Tougher in Matches

Mental Toughness Series

Free Training Videos

  • Video 1: Fear of Losing

  • Video 2: Closing Out Matches

  • Video 3: Your Inner Voice

  • Video 4: Dealing with Choking & Nerves

Module 1: Mental Toughness Foundations

  • 1. Welcome – What You’ll Learn

  • 2. Congratulations To You

  • 3. The REAL Definition of Mental Toughness

  • 4. Why Tennis Is The Toughest

  • 5. Three Important Questions

  • 6. The Diabolical Scoring System

Module 2: Perspective

  • 1. Perspective on Errors

  • 2. Playing Your Best (frequency)

  • 3. Richter Scale of Stress

  • 4. The Only Two Questions

  • 5. Wolf Story

  • 6. Pre-Match Nerves

  • 6. Catastrophic Thinking

  • 6. The REAL Reason for Competing

Module 3: Controlling Your Mind

  • 1. The Two Mindsets

  • 2. Your Inner Voice

  • 3. Proper Arousal Level

  • 4. Dealing with Gamesmanship

  • 5. Self 1 vs Self 2

  • 6. Letting Go of Errors

  • 7. W.I.N. Method

  • 8. Ideal Performance State (IPS)

Module 4: On The Court

  • 1. Split – Bounce – Hit

  • 2. Color Coding

  • 3. Up – Back – Stay

  • 4. Replacement Thoughts

  • 5. Between Point Performance

  • 6. The 16 Second Cure

  • 7. Practicing the 16 Second Cure

  • 8. Shot of Adrenaline

  • 9. Plan for Slow Starts

  • 10. Slump Buster Set

  • 11. Surviving Tryouts

  • 12. How to Call Out a Line Judge

  • 13. Body Posture

Module 5: Developing Your Game

  • 1. Proper Training Regimen

  • 2. Avoiding Competition

  • 3. Tactics Audit

  • 4. Developing Your Game

  • 5. Slump Busting

What You’re Getting Today:

Full Mental Toughness Course – $400 Value

Live Fitness Q&A – $97 Value

Performance Nutrition Guide – $97 Value

Rally Fitness Drills – $97 Value

Success Tracking Chart – $97 Value

Total Coaching Value: $1,085

100% Money Back Guarantee

It’s really simple. We’re so confident that if you follow the Mental Toughness concepts in this course, you’ll have a full 60 days to decide if the program was right for you.

If for any reason you don’t think the program worked for you, simply shoot us an email ( or give us a call directly at 833-836-6475 so we can give you a full refund.

What Are You Waiting For?

It’s time to put the Mental Toughness program into action so you

can get in the best mental shape of your life!